When you’re surrounded by people who care, dreams do come true.
Frances Buzzard, a janitor from West Virginia, is anything but typical. She is so lively and enthusiastic that everyone at the primary school where she works admires her charming attitude and work ethic, despite the fact that she is 77 years old.
The principal of the Belle Elementary School, believing that she deserved to be recognized for her effort, dug into Frances’ past to understand more about what she truly enjoys. But what she uncovered was a tragic secret that Frances had been keeping hidden for a long time.

The sad reality was that this amazing woman had never attended a birthday celebration in her life.
Staff and students both wanted things to change, and they thought holding a birthday party was the least they could do. Miss Frances had no idea what the pupils were up to, so when she heard her name shouted over the loudspeakers, she assumed there was a problem in the school cafeteria.

She never imagined, in her wildest fantasies, that she would throw her first party at the age of 77. As she walked in, her heart was flooded with delight and excitement as she was met by more than 200 children who shouted “surprise” and sang “Happy Birthday.” Frances couldn’t believe how many people had come to see her.

It was her big day, and she deserved all those cupcakes. It was her moment to be the centre of attention, and she deserved it for all the right reasons: her enormous heart and sweet attitude. She was led to the room’s centre, where a large screen displayed photographs of Frances at important occasions such as the moon landing, when she stood next to Neil Armstrong, or having fun at Woodstock, and it was a hilarious sight to see.

Frances’ parents were poor, and they couldn’t afford a suitable birthday celebration for her. Back then, they didn’t even celebrate Christmas. She remembered:
“I don’t recall any.” Things like that didn’t happen. We also didn’t have any Christmas parties. When they could afford it, they would get us fruits and nuts.”
She also stated that they attempted to throw her a party once, but due to the chilly weather, no one showed up.
One of the most pivotal days of her life has arrived. She’ll never forget this day because it was all about her. All of those folks were there to honor her life and show her how much she is loved and valued.

Check out the adorable video to show what a wonderful surprise that was!