A Group Of Students Fulfilled A Disabled Father’s Dream

A group of outstanding students made the father’s wish of taking his new born son a reality.

This heartwarming story will certainly make your day brighter. It features a wonderful three-person family as well as a bunch of extremely innovative high schoolers.

When Jeremy King became a parent, he was overjoyed. Unfortunately, his happiness was lessened by the reality that, due to his handicap, he was unable to completely enjoy his baby’s presence. Jeremy was diagnosed with a brain tumor and had surgery, which caused him to lose his equilibrium. He is now physically crippled as a result of this.

Chelsie King, Jeremy’s wife, told Good Morning America that “although he can walk, he can’t do it comfortably holding a child.” So we questioned ourselves, “OK, what do we need for him to be a safe parent?” and, to be honest, there wasn’t much that came up. There aren’t many services available for handicapped parents.”

Chelsie told NBC Washington, “One of the things that we absolutely couldn’t find was a way to enjoy walks with our baby.”

“We just wanted a method for him to go on family walks and do everything that a parent without a physical impairment does,” Chelsie stated.

Chelsie had a brilliant idea after evaluating all of her options. She reached out to students at the Bullis School in Potomac, Maryland, who are part of the school’s Innovation and Technology Lab, or BITlab. Professor Matt Zigler’s Making for Social Good class is focused on developing ideas that improve the lives of those who need it the most.

Professor Zigler was pleased to provide his students with the task. “It was nice to have it as a challenge, but it was even better since it was for someone in our community who might benefit from it,” he said.

The young minds performed the most incredible feat ever. They created the Wheel-Stroll, allowing Jeremy to take long-awaited walks with his kid.

The students not only fulfilled a father’s greatest dream, but they also received several prizes for their invention, including “Best Inspirational Story” and “Best Showcase of Iterative Design.”