When She Hears Her Father’s Voice, The Newborn’s Face Lights Up

It is widely acknowledged that babies can hear sounds in the womb as early as 16 weeks. Many parents sing to their babies as they grow in the womb, which may help to relax them if the baby hears the same song when they are born.

According to La Repblica, one Brazilian couple had the first-hand experience of this when their baby was born and she heard her father’s voice for the first time outside the womb.

With the arrival of their daughter Antonella, Flavio Dantas and his wife Tarsila Rosa were really excited and overjoyed.

The soon-to-be-dad who is from Rio de Janeiro has been talking to his unborn baby girl every morning while she was growing in the womb. However, he didn’t have an idea how she would react to him when she is born and sees him for the first time.

Tarsila observed the movements of his baby when he heard his voice every morning before he left for work.

Finally, the baby arrived on August 11 which was Father’s Day in Brazil. When her father talked to her outside the womb for the first time, responded with more than just kicks.

Antonella’s face brightened up when she heard her father’s voice and her smile says it all. Flavio couldn’t stop crying when he realized that his daughter actually recognized his voice.

Tarsilo wrote this in a Facebook post, “It is that moment that people forget all the pain and focus on the sincerest smile of all.” He further added, “My princess was born on Father’s Day.”

This photograph that captured such a special moment beautifully went viral just in a few seconds, hitting headlines across the world. People around the world congratulated the couple on the birth of their daughter and it will surely be a day to remember throughout Flavio’s fatherhood!