Reaching the age of 100 is certainly time for celebration with family and friends. But here is a tale about a kind elderly lady who was surprised by her garbage collector, who wanted to honor her on her 100th birthday.
When the tale of garbage collector Ben Bird’s wonderful connection with his 100-year-old customer Dorothy Ballard first surfaced in the news in 2019, it soon became popular.
When Ben pays a visit to Dorothy, also known as Mercy, at her home in Kidderminster, England, he never fails to stop and talk with her. He has been doing this for ten years.
The 100-year-old lady stated of the father-of-two, “He talks about his family, and he tells me about his small kids.”

Dorothy remembered a discussion she had with Ben in the past. “When his wife had a child, a young girl, he informed me, ‘We’re going to name her Daisy.’ What a delightful surprise, ‘Oh how amazing, did you know that was also my mother’s name?’ I responded.
According to Ben, the start of their friendship was Mercy unlocking the door and thanking Ben.
“Every week, she makes me laugh and puts a smile on my face,” he added.
After Ben and his coworkers surprised Mercy on her 100th birthday with an unique surprise, their relationship touched the hearts of millions.
Dorothy, the garbage man’s most devoted customer, had promised him that if she lived to be 100, he would bring her a cake for her special birthday.
So, after Mercy got her letter from the Queen, as all UK citizens do when they reach the age of 100, Ben showed up with a cake and candles to congratulate her special day.
After being posted on social media, a video of him walking up to Mercy’s front door, lighting the candles, and singing “Happy Birthday” to her went viral.
Ben hugs the elderly lady before singing “Happy Birthday to You” with two coworkers and then asking her to make a wish before blowing out her candles.
Hundreds of people have posted comments on the video, hoping that their bond would last.
One Twitter user stated, “This gives hope in mankind.”
Another user said, “Lovely tale, Mercy and Ben, may your friendship last for many years.”
Ben and Mercy’s bond is wonderful, and I hope it will continue.
You will encourage others to promote compassion and gratitude by sharing this tale.